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A Place to Call Home















Every believer needs to be "plugged in" to a local assembly somewhere, for it is in and through the local assembly that one's spiritual gifts and talents can best be used to edify the Body of Christ and glorify God.  There is great satisfaction in knowing that you belong to a family, and what greater family is there than the family of God?  The people of Dayspring are more than just members and attendees- they are "family," and Dayspring is more than just a church- it is a place to call "home!" 


If you are in need of a church family and a church home, why not give Dayspring a try?  There is always room at our table for one more.  Hope to see you soon!





Web Tim

Web Tim

Web Stones

Web Stones

Web Sophie

Web Sophie

Web Sherry

Web Sherry

Web Shannon and Peggy

Web Shannon and Peggy

Web Scott and Peggy

Web Scott and Peggy

Web Rameys

Web Rameys

Web Princess

Web Princess

Web Prayer Garden

Web Prayer Garden

Web Peggy and little Sophie

Web Peggy and little Sophie

Web Pastor Apprec

Web Pastor Apprec

Web Melissa

Web Melissa

Web Ken

Web Ken

Web Kathy and Ken

Web Kathy and Ken

Web Funeral Meal

Web Funeral Meal

Web Emma

Web Emma

Web Charter

Web Charter

Web Candlelight

Web Candlelight

Web Baptism

Web Baptism

Web Amy

Web Amy



The following article is from the October 19, 1999 issue of our Dayspring Assembly of God News Bulletin:


"...It is an exciting time for us here at Dayspring Assembly of God.  In less than two months time, the Lord has opened so many doors for this new work to be pioneered in Dawson Springs.  He has given us a congregation to which He is adding daily.  He has blessed us with musicians, instruments, and sound equipment.  He has supplied ministry to preach and teach to us the Word of God.  He has enabled us to become a part of a dynamic worldwide organization.  He has given to us capable lay leadership and very shortly He will make known to us the person whom He has selected and prepared to lead us in the role of pastor.


This is a very blessed time for us.  The community is abuzz with what God is doing here.  Much interest has been shown and inquiries have been made, and families have expressed their desire to come and worship with us.  But, most of all, God is leading us, and the blessings of God are upon us.  And, we will be forever thanful that the DAYSPRING from on high has chosen to visit us..."


Dayspring began as a simple home Bible Study and prayer meeting, but little did we know in the fall of 1999 that God's plans for Dayspring were so much more!


Today, we are a thriving congregation with a variety of ministries to meet the spiritual needs of all ages.


Our name was taken from Luke 1:78-79:

"...through the tender mercies of our God; whereby the DAYSPRING from on high hath visited us, To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace."


Our Mission Statement reveals our heart: "I.O.U."

Inward in Commitment, Outward in Evangelism, Upward in Worship.  















The letters in our name reveal our vision:











For more information about our assembly, please call (270) 797-2700 and leave a message.  We would love to hear from you.

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